Robyn, I’m dying. I want to plan my own funeral.
And you can. Let me help.
There are so many reasons to plan your own farewell. Not only can you control what is said – and how your life is celebrated – you can relieve the pressure from your loved ones, left behind. Losing you will be traumatic enough for them. Sparing them the extra strain of planning a funeral, of knowing what they should do and say, when they should be grieving, can be your final gift to the people you love.
I’ll help you find the right people to handle the logistics – that bit is easy.
We can sit down and talk – about who you are – and what matters to you.
Here are just a few things to think about – and questions to ask yourself”
Who are the people I love most?
What are my favourite memories – of my childhood? of my family and adult life?
Of recent years?
What is my favourite music?
Are there any songs that define my life – or take me back to defining moments in my life?
Would I like those songs played – or the lyrics read?
What is important to me?
What makes me happy?
What drives me crazy?
What makes me laugh?
What defines my life? Family? Career?
What impression of the event do I want to leave behind?
Do you want to make them laugh with you?
Would you rather a quiet, more sombre experience?
How do you want to be remembered? Do you have a parting message for your loved ones?
and, drum roll…….
What do I absolutely, positively NOT want at my funeral? (This is every bit as important – even more so, I think – than what you do)